Quantitative Absolute Return Fund - FX Spot
Currency Pair Trading


Quantitative Trading Technology

ALPHAtrade utilizes a set of proprietary algorithms and applications that facilitate the development, testing, deployment and real-time trading of financial market instruments.

Current instruments in live trading are:



ALPHAtrade has the ability to add and subtract any currency pair deemed suitable and is not limited to a number of pairs.


ALPHAtrade performance has been tested and proven via continuous, automated, live trading for 5 years.

ALPHAtrade audit results available upon request.


Quantitative Trading Technology

ALPHAtrade utilizes a set of proprietary algorithms and applications that facilitate the
development, testing, deployment and real-time trading of financial market instruments.

Current instruments in live trading are:




ALPHAtrade the ability to add and subtract any currency pair deemed suitable and is
not limited to a number of pairs.


ALPHAtrade performance has been tested and proven via continuous, automated, live
trading for 5 years.

ALPHAtrade audit results available upon request.



ALPHAtrade Market Metric System

ALPHAtrade is a fully automated and self organizing predictive system

ALPHAtrade algorithms have not changed in 5 years and have proven robust through multiple market cycles.


Financial instruments are analyzed with ALPHAtrade

Specific trade strategies undergo comprehensive analysis after the application of various business rules to control risk


Automated live trading

Financial instruments are analyzed with ALPHAtrade and profitable trading strategies are identified and understood via proprietary algorithms


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